The Launcher opens automatically when you turn on the computer. To keep the Launcher from opening automatically, click this box. To open the Launcher automatically when you turn on the computer, click this box. Not available now because the Launcher is not in the ControlPanels folder. To open the Launcher automatically when you turn on the computer, click this box. To hide the items on the desktop while you work in an application, click this box. To show the items on the desktop while you work in an application program, click this box. Items in the Applications folder cannot be renamed or removed. To allow renaming and removal, click this box. Keeps items in the Applications folder from being renamed or removed. Not available now because file sharing is on. To keep items in the Applications folder from being renamed or removed, click this box. Items in the System Folder cannot be renamed or removed. To allow renaming and removal, click this box. Keeps items in the System Folder from being renamed or removed. Not available now because file sharing is on. To keep items in the System Folder from being renamed or removed, click this box. A warning will appear if the computer is shut down improperly. To keep the warning from appearing, click this box. To see a warning if the computer is shut down improperly, click this box. Shutting down the computer improperly can damage the system software and prevent the computer from starting up. When you open or save a document, the default location is the Documents folder. To default to the Documents folder when you open or save a document, click here. When you open or save a document, the default location is the last folder used in the application program. To default to the last folder used in the application program when you open or save a document, click here. When you open or save a document, the default location is the folder that contains the application program. To default to the folder that contains the application program when you open or save a document, click here. The insertion point will blink fast. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. To have the insertion point blink fast, click here. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. The insertion point will blink normally. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. To have the insertion point blink normally, click here. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. The insertion point will blink slowly. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. To have the insertion point blink slowly, click here. The insertion point shows where text will appear when you type. A menu item will blink three times when you choose it. To have a menu item blink three times when you choose it, click here. A menu item will blink twice when you choose it. To have a menu item blink twice when you choose it, click here. A menu item will blink once when you choose it. To have a menu item blink once when you choose it, click here. Menu blinking is turned off. A menu item will not blink when you choose it. To turn off menu blinking, click here.